Tuesday, March 13, 2012


So... here's our frustrating situation. Sean took several weeks to study for his Step test and we planned the trip to Colorado between the test and the start of his next rotation. Except, he was never scheduled for his next rotation. He submitted an application for an elective rotation and never heard back. He tried countless times to contact the scheduling person and never could reach her or hear a reply, except for one mass email telling all students to stop emailing her to find out about schedules, they weren't ready yet. So Sean nervously waited and still tried to contact her. He finally took his test and then we left town right away. He kept trying to reach her to no avail and eventually had to try to think of an alternative. He tried finding some people to do research with for the month but no one had availabilities. Thus, Sean is on "vacation." A vacation we'd rather save for later, say, when we have a new baby.

But we're trying to make the most of it, spend some fun family times together. We decided we wanted to get Children's Museum annual passes this year. So last Monday, we went out to buy them and have a visit.
But the Museum's closed on Mondays, which we found out when we arrived there. Boo on us for not checking that. So we thought we'd head to the rodeo. Having just gone through the ordeal with the museum, we wanted to make sure the rodeo was indeed open. With no luck finding a clear-cut schedule on Sean's phone, I just called the place to ask a real person. That person told me the carnival opened at 11am and the livestock show at 6pm. That didn't work with the boy's nap schedule. Now, we later found out that the agriculture adventure thing was open at 9am and we totally could have gone, the phone lady just didn't tell us about that. Shoot.

So with two ideas shot, we decided to go to Hermann Park- the playground's for sure there and for sure open. Of course, we ended up parking far away from the playground area but we got to walk by a pond with lots of ducks.

And we finally made it to the playground! Sometimes the boys like to just sit at the top of the slide. They must find a sort of serenity up there.

Liam tried to crawl backwards up the bridge. That contraption was new to him, and apparently stumped him a little.

Lots of squirrels to be found- nice capture, Sean!

I call this Men, Turtle, and Sand.

Dash prepared us a woodchip snack. Liam looks unexcited.

The best part of the place were the bunches of emergency vehicles driving by (being next to the medical center and all) and airplanes and helicopters over head.

We finished with the swings. Joyful joyful.

Sometimes things don't happen like we intend but we can still have fun anyway!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, crazy! Good luck Sean. What a tough predicament!
