Thursday, August 18, 2011

Video Onslaught

I'm feeling the need to feature some of our recent video clips. Pull out some popcorn (gross) and get cozy, we've got a nice little show for ya.

(While Skyping4 from Katie Bradley on Vimeo.)

A little impromptu shirtless peekaboo while talking to G&G Z on skype. All that stuff on the floor used to be the barrier to keep the kiddos out of Pogo's food, which was hidden under the table. As you can see, it aint workin' no mo'.

This is why I don't eat anything when they're not already eating. It almost triggered a fight or flight response when they descended upon me. They took such big bites with juice running down my arm, bleh. You better believe the floor was littered with little apple bites- why swallow when you can just let the food flop out?

Think Liam likes the dog? Love DVR, he could experience it over and over again. Oh, and he totally does the dog bark all the time, he was just so utterly overcome with delight to be able to perform on command.

They're really loving those walking toys. Seeing Liam zoom by in the background cracks me up.

Dash, so resourceful in his steering, while Liam enjoys a little sit. It just occurred to me that I haven't put any true walking videos (OR photos) up on this here blog. I'll work on that.

Here's a little video of the brotherly love I talked about in this post. My hearts goozing all over again.

I have such funny children. And you know, it was Liam who started doing this but when I grabbed the video camera, they completely switched places. Tag team style.

Finding the Dragonfly is a mealtime favorite (we've since added the Bee). It's tricky because each highchair has a shifted pattern, so they really have to look instead of remembering one spot. Also, this is while Liam was sick a couple weeks ago, you can see how quickly he crumbles, poor fella.

I love seeing them so peaceful as they slowly drift off to slumber. I have to resist the urge to peek in on them because half the time I end up startling them/waking them up. I tried to be so quiet for this video but Liam totally noticed me at the end. Whoops.

And with that we end our show. And in case you're curious, I have new stats for the boys straight from a real live doctor of pediatrics. Guess what, Liam and Dash are twinners! Dash just has an eighth of an inch larger head circumference.

Weight: 20 lb 14 oz (5-10 %ile)
Height: 32" (75 %ile)


  1. the best movies I have seen in a long time. Keep producing them and I will give them 4 stars

  2. Cute little movies! It is so cute to see how well they play with each other! And I would totally have to completely agree with your more recent post about your boy's eyes!! They are so vibrant and gorgeous! I always love your updates Katie!!
