Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Man, I thought for sure I'd get some comments on yesterday's post. The pictures were cute, I thought I was kinda funny, I had a sympathetic story... I guess I better up my game! Let's see if this one does the trick.

My kids are boys. You knew that, right? What I mean is, they're boys. They play with legos, they push cars all over the house, they rip apart books, they tackle each other, they act as if their life mission is to obliterate the kitchen.
But sometimes, a mama's gotta accessorize her children. Even if her children are boys.

Sometimes, those boys don't mind too much. This mama likes that her kids notice when she changes her toenail polish. And that her boys take a few moments between zooming their matchbox cars down the hall to flutter a little ribbon. Every boy needs a softer side.

It's nice that these silly boys indulge their mama in her own silliness. You think they'll mind when their 16 and I'm putting bows in their hair?

1 comment:

  1. While they are young and under foot they think their mother can do no wrong and love to be silly with you. AND they are adorable
