Friday, August 19, 2011

'Rents Room

Mom: So guys, what do you like about Mom & Dad's room?
Dash: Well, I really like digging in the bathroom drawers. I just figured out how! That's where I got this tasty tube. Didn't you say that Burt's Bees gives a nice pepperminty zing?
Mom: Hang on, hang on, people are going to think I let you eat chapstick. You very well know I kept careful tabs on that thing.
Dash: I was just kidding, mom, you're a good mommy.
Mom: Thanks Dash Dash, your eyes look really fantastic.
Dash: Aw shucks, mama!

Liam: I really love to look out the window. Sometimes I see that squirrel that runs along the fence- it's too exciting! But the best part is seeing the cars drive by. I can't get enough!
Mom: You do love cars, don't you, Leemer?
Liam: I do, so much! Almost as much as I love you!
Mom: I love you too, darlin! You have magnificent eyes, too, have I mentioned?
Liam: Thanks, Mama!

Dash: I really like it when you take pictures of us in your room because then I can attack the camera!
Mom: I can see it in that face, you're about to pounce.
Dash: Rawr!

Liam: I just discovered these cups that are SO AWESOME! I can unstack them and bite them and stack them back up and gnaw on them and then do it all over again!
Mom: Maybe you'll grow up to be a cup stacker.
Liam: I can only hope.

Dash: My FAVORITE thing is the band-aids!
Liam: Oh yeah, totally, I LOVE those!
Mom: Do you remember when you first found them? You spent at least 20 minutes playing with those things.

Dash: Yeah, because they're so fun! Look, see, you just take them out of the box and then you put them back in the box. It's so cool! I could do it for the rest of my life!
Liam: Me, too! Hey mom, could you maybe, erm, possibly, if you want... get us some of those bandaids? Oo, oo, and cups?
Dash: Cups!
Mom: As you wish.


  1. Love this. What cute boys! Seriously, how on earth do you capture their eyes so well on camera!? I wish I could do this with Sophie's. Sigh.

    You've got amazing talent, friend. Amazing talent.

  2. "As you wish" - like The Princess Bride :)

    So why is it that bandaids are so fun to kids? I used to love putting them everywhere!

  3. haha, this put a smile on my face! :) happy Sunday to the Bradleys from Carmelle!
