Friday, August 12, 2011

How to Eat a Cheese Stick

1. Take a bite out of the middle. It's the best part- like the tip of a crepe or the center of a cinnabon.

2. Take a lick- a surprising amount of delicious flavor is right there on the surface. Not to mention how it tickles your tongue!

3. Peel peel peel- it's food magic.

4. Ingest- and enjoy.

P.S. The twinners have been much happier this week. Sean, on the other hand, has not been happy this week, for he's had to work 28 hours a day, 9 days a week. Didn't know that was possible, didja?


  1. Weston just started a rotation that he'll have to work 16 hours a day everyday. How do you do it?? What do you do to keep from going absolutely insane! It probably helps that your kiddos have a constant playmate to keep them company, but I feel like since we can't go outside unless we want heat stroke, I am constantly having to entertain an almost-two-year-old and it's a bit draining...

  2. Your boys are SO big! Cute hair. Cheese sticks are definitely the best. :)
