Tuesday, August 23, 2011

All About the Eye

I have one very basic portrait photo tip for you.

First, a disclaimer: I know very little about photography. I've learned enough to take some good photos here and there, but I've a long way to go.

Now for the tip:
Always keep the eye(s) in focus.

You can have the best lighting, the most incredible depth of field, the most vibrant color, but if the eye's a little fuzzy, that photo's dead in the water.

Sure, there are exceptions- if you really want the focus on some other aspect or your trying for an artsy out of focus thing, or whatever. And I've been known to put up a less than crisp eye picture on the blog because the action in the photo's too juicy to pass up. But at least one glittering eye is what I always strive for in my photography.

How I go about achieving this is to set up my camera to have just one point of focus. Then I focus on my subject's eye, then recompose the photo how I want it, all the while keeping the shutter button half depressed to maintain the focus.

Now maybe this is completely obvious and I'm a dumbo for even pointing it out. But I have a testimony of in-focus eyes. It had to be shared. Happy shooting!


  1. I agree 100% and I use the one focal point in my camera too...way more control! You have definitely mastered the eye focus though, your boys eyes' always look amazing in your pictures!

  2. I was never planning on blogging, but now that I've got the blogging bug I definitely need to brush up on my photography skills. Thanks for the tip! It does seem obvious, but I'm not sure if I would have really thought about it on my own.

  3. Thanks for that tip! I agree with Nikki, I don't know that I have totally that about that, but your pictures always look beautiful.

  4. PS I need some more tips on capturing good eye pics because I feel like Landon has beautiful eyes and our pictures just don't do them justice, but you always have nice pictures! I feel like he is too wiggly so the pictures blur or the camera takes so long to focus that he has moved by the time I'm ready. Ugh. Plus I think the lighting is usually not great.HELP!
