Sunday, April 18, 2010


Did anyone notice that it's been a month since I've put up ultrasound pictures?

What's that you say? You didn't miss them because you couldn't make heads or tails (literally) of them anyway?

Too bad, I have more. Two weeks ago, the high risk OB, the one who does the 3D pictures couldn't get a good view of either face so... he didn't give us any pictures. Hmph. But the tech at our normal doctor gave me a slew of pictures this last week. Not stellar pictures, mind, but good enough.

ultrasounds 32 weeks_0002
TOP: Somebody's leg. The tech was getting so frustrated with these guys. They've moved from being beside each other- left and right- to on top of each other- anterior and posterior (toward my belly button or my spine). She showed us a view of all the limbs flailing around in there- it's like there's an octopus in my belly!
BOTTOM: Aw, someone's foot! Except the big toe's hiding somewhere. I HOPE IT'S NOT MISSING! We'll have to be sure to count toes at the hospital.

ultrasounds 32 weeks_0004
TOP: I guess the tech figured out which arm was baby B's. He's a strong boy, look at him flex!
BOTTOM: I don't know what to make of this. You can see both their skulls. That's cool I guess. What IS cool as that they're both still head down!

Ok, now let's try and look at faces (well, just A's because B wouldn't look at the camera. He's a shy thing. Don't judge). Look at the bottom picture first.

ultrasounds 32 weeks_0003
BOTTOM: Okay orientation- forehead is on the right, chin on the left with the chin tilted slightly up. You can see the shadow of the right eye fairly dead-center in the picture (the other eye is completely shadowed) and you can sort of make out the line of the mouth by the chin. Yeah? Kinda?
TOP: This one's weird, I admit. The head's off the to upper right side and the chin is tilted up more. But you can get a sense of the mouth a cheeks a bit better. Okay, okay, move on, you'll hurt your eyes if you look at that one too long.
MIDDLE: Ah, good ol' profile. I mean fuzzy ol' profile. It's still forehead on right, chin on left. Can you make out the nose and lips?

These guys are just too well-formed and squirmy to get good pictures anymore. They're getting mighty big- A was 4 lb 12 oz and B was 4 lb 4 oz. It's like I have a 9 lb baby in me!

Once we get the camera battery, I'll show you my monster of a baby bump. We're hoping these guys wait for a few more weeks before their grand arrival. At least a week because Sean has finals all this week, heh. But if they make it to 36 weeks, there's a good likelihood that they wouldn't have to spend any extra time in the hospital. And folks, that's only 3 weeks away....

yikes. I better start getting ready!


  1. I like that 3rd picture because you can see the crossed radius and ulna arm bones in it. Bonus points for anatomy!

  2. I like your baby pictures because I can actually make out shapes. Other ones I'm like, huh?

    I can't believe you're so close! I feel like this pregnancy has flown by. I can't wait to see them non-womb style!

  3. They ARE getting huge! Baby A is only two ounces shy of TWICE the size Caleb was when he was born. It's like you have four Calebs in you. Holy smokes. I have no idea what that must be like. Can you breathe?

  4. It would definitely be nice for them to wait for Sean's finals to be over :-)! I cannot imagine what it must feel like to have 2 babies in their at this point!!!

  5. oh my goodness Katie! I can't believe how close you're getting! We miss you guys a lot and we really want to see your house. :) Maybe I'll call you sometime this week and invite myself over ;)

  6. Man a 9 lb. baby inside? That's a big baby! I can't wait to see these two little boys- I can't believe you're so close! And P.S.- Thanks for explaining the ultrasound pics. I feel like I can actually see something when you explain where they are and what is being shown!

  7. It's gone by so fast! (For me, at least. It might feel different for you.) I hope those boys stay put until you're ready for them to come out!

    Thank you so much again for offering to let Daniel stay with you guys.

  8. without your explanations and orientation there is no way this grandma would recognize anything! Love to all 4 of you.
