Monday, July 11, 2011

Show and Tell

Over the course of a couple nights, most of mom and dad's grandkids participated in a little Show and Tell, featuring their talents, accomplishments, a performance... whatever they wanted.

Matt had a few model planes (I believe they're from his great-grandpa Zechiel?) that he told us all about. He knew a massive amount of information about all of them. He said he learned it from the History Channel. (Notice his batwing elbow. It's not supposed to bend that way, is it? Actually, my left arm does that too, just not to the crazy extent of Matty's)

Proud Papa.

Ethan showed off his tremendous gymnastics skills. I don't think I was ever that spry.

And then, thunk, straight into the splits. As in, he jumped up and the next moment he was in this position. Hoyvin-glavin!

Naomi presented us with her unicorn Webkinz named Rainbow. Rainbow is her favorite Webkinz (is a singular toy a Webkin?) because "it's pretty."

Now, wouldn't you know it, Bree has a Pillow Pet Unicorn, also named Rainbow! Those blondies like their Rainbow Unicorns.

Kason demonstrated his skill at magic. With impressive results.

Let's take a moment from the performances to pause and view the audience. Ah, rapt interest here.

Uh oh, someone's picking his toes instead of watching. Tut tut. ;) Okay, back to the show.

Olivia, still on a Girls Camp high from the previous week, sang us a few camp songs. She had already taught Naomi "La Touche" (something like this) so she became Olivia's assistant. She also showed us some of the grand art work she's been creating during the reunion. So lovely, my darling.

When my mom asked Noah what he was going to show us, he said "Math!" Well, actually, he said "maff!" This dude was able to add all the way up to a thousand! Jeepers kid, keep a lid on those smarts, they're spilling out everywhere!

Rhuelin demonstrated the escape moves he learned in karate class. He restrained himself from flipping over his brother.

Janisen showed us her picture of her three pet rats. Even if you're not a rat lover, this picture would make you want to cuddle with them.

Some adults participated as well. I did impressions of Liam and Dash. I only took photos of one adult, dad, because... well, because he did this:
Even mom was astounded. This isn't something you see dad do every day.

Naomi later made an encore presentation with an impersonation of Marlon Brando. It was incredible. You have to see it, watch this video (all the way to the end):

Isn't it awesome? I don't have any idea how she does that with her cheeks. Fantastic.

Liam and Dash didn't participate in the Show and Tell because they can't do anything. Nawwww, they're plenty talented! It was because the shows always occurred at or after bedtime. So if they had participated, they would have shown the family this:
Oh my skilled children, I'm so proud!

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