Friday, September 5, 2008

Fruit Flies

It's always nice to return home to your own home and bed after a long vacation. But when we returned, we had some unexpected visitors: spiders and fruit flies. Ugh, is there anything worse than the shock of discovering an eight-legged fiend on your shower curtain? Or the incessant annoyance of a fruit fly circling your head? Sean even discovered a spider on his arm while on the phone with me. Boy did he flip out!

I think we've mostly gotten rid of our arachnid problem but the flies just won't go away. And they just gave me a reason to deepen my hatred of them. One little bugger landed on the bathroom mirrors and I automatically tried to slap it to death. But something strange happened. Something small and somewhat white fell from underneath my hand.

I instantly knew what it was. I'm not sure I've ever made quite this gasp of horror and shock. I looked at my left hand and, yes, one of the diamonds from my engagement ring had popped out.

Sean came running in confused. He's quite an expert at all my gasps (spider finding, forgetting something, injury, etc.). This one was new. And when I told him, I think he might have made the same gasp. We started hunting. Wouldn't you guess where it ended up? On the sink drain. When we moved in, there wasn't a stopper so we bought a mess cover thing. I think if we had a regular stopper, the diamond would be lost! But as it was, it got caught in between the drain and the cover. Man, were we ever careful retrieving that puppy. (Please don't judge my sink, that's as clean as it'll get, dang it)

So my diamond is saved. But I'm still mad at the fruit flies.


  1. Hooray for more blogs for me to follow :-)! What a scary story about your diamond...I'm glad you guys found it!

  2. Oh no!!!!!!! I'm so glad you put that cover in the drain!!!!!!

    Dang bugs. I hate them. A lot. A lot a lot.

    I'm so glad you guys have a blog now!!! Yay!
