Friday, October 17, 2014


Did you know Sean and I took an astronomy class together? For a brief period of time, I could identify a boatload of constellations. Sean even minored in the subject (and can still identify a boatload of constellations). We like outer space in this family.

Sean was given a telescope when he was younger but we haven't used it in a while. Having just done a preschool session on Space, we thought we'd crack it open and see what we could see. We met friends at a park after nightfall and got to 'scoping. Turns out, it was a bad astronomy month- all the planets were on the wrong side at night, moon wasn't out, etc. We could see lots of stars but that's less interesting to kids. They more enjoyed the playground in the dark.

So a few days later, Sean thought he'd just try to see the moon during the day. It was a perfect idea.

All the kids got a turn and thought it was so neat to see the moon's detail.

Grey's like, "so this goes where?"

He figured it out and became very serious about it.

moon through scope
Sean snapped an iphone photo through the eyepiece. Pretty great view, eh?

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