Since Sean had a long day of work on Grey's actual birthday (his boss let him off a teensy bit early so he could see the birthday boy before he went to bed!) we did the real celebrating on his Sean's day off.

And to celebrate, we went to an apple orchard.

Liam and Dash got to go on a tractor train. Woot woot!

Grey watched. Happy birthday! (and my parents came for the weekend! So nice that they're in reasonable driving distance)

We hoped to do some apple picking but they didn't have any apples available that day. Boo-urns.

We forced Grey to only take one nap that day (and he only slept for an hour). Happy birthday!

Time to sneak in cuddles with dad.

Also time to squeeze in giggles with grandpa.

"Grandpa's hat is so funny!"

I'll never get over their eyes.

Their squints, either. (I bought these jackets in a pinch, not realizing there was a skull and crossbones on that hood lip. Whoopsie.)

It was a Saturday, so it was crowded, which meant waiting in several lines.

We finally made it to the hay ride! (sans hay) The kids are so excited!...

That's a little better. Dash's smile, oy I love it.

Our happy family on this happy birthday day.

Made all the better by grandparents. Hurray!
How fun! The one time we went to a place with a tractor train ride they were packing it away for the day. We were too late, bummer! Looks like a fun day though. And a big happy birthday to Grey!