Tuesday, January 29, 2013

My Birthday. Part 1 The Doctor

Last week was my birthday and the family had fun together all day long. I had so much fun and took so many pictures that I filled up my camera's memory card. soooOOOO you get to see my birthday in installments.

We begin with Grey's 4 month doctors appointment. Yahoo! It was quite nice to have Sean there.

Because Liam and Dash inevitably do things like this and it's hard to manage while being given instruction on Grey's care.

They try to look so innocent.

They'd never hurt a fly!

No, Grey's the sweet innocent one. For now.

His stats:
15 lb 11 oz -- 67%ile (more than the twins weighed when they were six months old)
25.5 inches -- 73%ile

He took his shots like a champ, crying for maybe 15 seconds. Then he took a nice nap as we drove to our next destination... Rocket Park!

1 comment:

  1. That picture of the big boys fighting just made my day. We always get pictures of cute, happy kids so I think it is great to have a picture of a not so happy moment as well :-). Glad you had a good birthday!
