Thursday, December 20, 2012

Dash Right Now

Dash likes to pronounce his name "Dath" or "Das." He too knows his name starts with D. In fact, both boys know the first letter of lots of people's names.

Dash has moments of seriousness and moments of extreme silliness. Sometimes he's calmly going about his business and then the next minute he's flopping around the room like a fish.

Dash can be very easy to soothe (as long as he's not tired). If he has a little booboo, a kiss with quickly fix it.  A bigger issue requires a long hug and some crying but he's still happy to become happy again.

Dash is sometimes hesitant in new situations and gets nervous sometimes. Two stories: the boys have always been scared of the vacuum but one day I needed to clean the stairs and thought I'd try it while they were awake. I had them on either side of me and turned on the vacuum. I looked at Liam and he was slightly nervous but okay. I looked at Dash and he was all the way down the hall, hands flailing above his head, fleeing for safety. Also, we once wandered into a Rainforest Cafe shop and when Dash saw the fake snake winding down from the ceiling, his face became panic-stricken and positively dragged me out of the store.

When Dash is in his silly moods, he likes to scream. Just short bursts of a shriek. I think he likes to hear how loud he is.

Dash is a really good imitator. He likes to mimic sounds a lot. Sometimes he mimics Grey and it takes me a moment before I realize it's not the baby. And he likes to recreate the faces he sees in pictures. Oh, and my favorite thing he says is "ohhhh myyyyy goodnehhhhss!"

Love my Dashi!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, Caleb and Dash have more in common than just their looks! Other than being scared of things, everything you described about Dash fits Caleb to a "t." We should be neighbors some day. They'll be BFFs. And everyone will think you have triplets.
