Friday, September 28, 2012

First Meeting

Just a couple hours after Mr. Grey was born, he was able to meet his big brothers. I expected them to walk in a hurry over to me, like they usually do when they've been away. But this time, they were fixated on the new human in the room.

They started out with a cute little wave.

And Grey waved back!

Then Dash got to hold his little brother. We'd practiced with some stuffed animals earlier in the week.

Then Liam had his turn. Both big brothers finished with a sweet kiss on the head.

Then they helped me eat my dinner.

And they quite enjoyed the gift Grey bestowed upon them: Nemos! How very thoughtful of that baby.

And really, everything's been fantastic between the older boys and Grey. There was one teeny tiny show of jealousy when Grey had to get a test done and Dash didn't like Sean focusing on Grey. But it was very brief and nothing like that has happened since. I think Liam and Dash really enjoy Grey: they like to point him out while they're playing, they run over to give him kisses, they share toys with him, it's been beautiful. I'm so proud of my kiddos.


  1. I've LOVED reading the details of the birth and how sweet baby Grey has been received by the boys. What cute pictures and what an adorable family! Hope all is well with YOU Katie!

  2. How beautiful!!!!!!! Congratulations! I have to tell you, you have a beautiful family, i cant sto`p smiling every time i read a post. :)
