Monday, February 16, 2009


What did we do on our day of love?
  • Perused a few stores and bought each other whatever it was that we decided we wanted (both happened to be shirts. On sale shirts, no less)
  • Ate lots and lots of chocolates.
  • Purchased Macaroni Grill To Go and had a little living room picnic! Mmm, bruschetta. Mmm, no waiting. Mmm, comfort of home.
  • Built ourselves one blubbery snowman. A blubbery, myopic snowman. The snow wasn't very sticky, so we piled, packed, and carved (rather than the typical ball rolling and stacking). It worked well enough, don't you think?
  • Watched our wedding reception video again. What a perfect day that was!

And a perfect Valentine's!


  1. One of the cutest snowmen I've ever seen!

  2. It is a good thing you took a picture when you did..

  3. I thought you said blueberry snowman!
