Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Art Room

We've had a breakthrough! While Dash and Liam will chant Pompa's name all the day long, poor Grandma was assigned anonymity. They can identify her fine, just wouldn't say her name. So we've been trying out Meema and just last night, Dash morphed it into Mimi. And it stuck. Oh boy it stuck. Well, it did for Dash, Liam is currently saying Teetee. Which is, you know, really funny. But give him a day or two and I bet he'll come around. Grandma/Mimi couldn't be happier! Grandma Zechiel is going to want to jump on the bandwagon.

Mimi is an art teacher but neither Sean nor I had seen her art room. We took advantage of a teacher workshop day to go pay a visit.
She has all sorts of elementary level art books that the boys enjoyed.

Liam's learning about animal anatomy.

Dash is finding shapes.

And here they are identifying chiaroscuro in a Caravaggio. Maybe. Maybe not.

There was a warped mirror that these little men quite enjoyed.

Wow, it's like there's twins! heh.

There was yarn to play with...

And the color "boo" to identify. As usual. Though they've also been repeating "gn" and "puh puh" and "[tongue click]" for black and "rrrruh." Correctly identifying the color is not yet in the picture. Last night, Liam was repeating color names in a really silly way and laughing at himself. He knew he was being funny. I love them.

They can be very organized boys, organizing their crayons and their cars and such. So orderly.

Then there was lots of coloring. Of course! It's an art room!

And then Liam hugged his shadow goodbye.

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