Thursday, July 8, 2010


(the pictures within have nothing to do with the subject of this post, just a bit of this and that which I forgot to put in other posts)

Is it just part of the territory to worry as a mom?

Whenever they're sleeping, I have to bolt over periodically to make sure they're breathing.

I picture freak accidents, like a car crashing through the wall into their crib.

I compulsively make sure there's nothing loose in their crib and the swaddle blanket's tight around their body so nothing gets in their face.

I worry I don't hold them enough.
Then there's the whole twin thing- I have to make sure I never favor one over the other.

I have to hold them equally during the day.

I have to make sure I don't say something complementary without saying it to the other.

I worry I'm going to cause irreparable damage to not comfort one sad baby when tending to the other sad baby.
I even have to make sure to take pictures of them equally.

All this worry gets a tad tiring.
But I have to keep worrying because it makes me feel like they're safer. And happier.

In any case, I don't think I could prevent myself from worrying. It's just the nature of motherhood.


  1. These are the most perfect babies I've ever seen!!!!! So cute. Congrats! How are you holding up??

  2. It IS the nature of motherhood! Don't worry it'll fade...a bit. But I remember being slightly crazy those first 3 months before it started to fade. I was thinking of you last night as I was rocking Ty at 1 AM (a rare occurrence these days). Don't worry, you will get to sleep more than 3 hours at a time too...someday. :)

  3. Definitely comes with being a mom! I think all our worrying will pay off in the end though. Are you getting any sleep? I don't know how you do it with twins. My mom had Ella spend the night this week for some special time and I was thinking how much easier it was two and how extremely easy one child would seem now (although when I had just Ella I didn't think it was easy of course), and how it's nice that we slowly add to the mix...then I thought about everyone I know with twins and I'm impressed :-)!

  4. Katie,

    They are SO BEAUTIFUL! Those boys are just to die for. SO CUTE. I love the pictures.

  5. You are such a good mom! I love these pictures, I can't wait for you to teach me how to use my new camera.

  6. I'm glad I'm not the only one picturing freak accidents. Besides, you know the crazy worries just make you a better Mom that's ready for everything. Seriously, it never goes away. You'll just start getting more sleep and that will help you keep the worrying in check. :)

  7. The boys could not be cuter. You must be so proud!
