Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Which babe?

  • I had another doctor's appointment so that I could take my glucose test
  • I've heard the glucose test can be a bit unpleasant, but dude, it was no big deal. It was like chugging a bunch of orange koolaid, my sweet tooth kind of enjoyed it. I guess if I were to fast before drinking it, that much sugary drink without anything else in my tummy would have been upsetting. But I didn't hafta, so I liked it.
  • I didn't have any woozy or dizziness after having my blood drawn. Huzzah!
  • We got some more ultrasound pictures. This time they looked like skeletor frog babies:
(Can you make sense of them? Both babies are looking at the camera. The top of the head is on the right in the middle picture, on the left in the other two)
  • The technician lost track of which baby's which. Seriously. First of all, they switched position from their typical position of laying transversely on top of each other to each being on their own side, right and left. Secondly, they're now so similar in size, there's no "big one" or "little one" to distiguish. So she doesn't know which is A and which is B. There's no hope for us in keeping track of them, is there?
  • I think I know which is which, though. A's head has always stayed in the same spot and there's still a head there, so I think that's A.
  • That's good because we've started calling them by real names. It'd be tragic if we called them the wrong ones! And yes, I'll tell you the names. Sometime. Later. When I'm good and ready. I have to get used to them first, alright?
  • Who can spot the foot? Who can spot the leg?
  • On the elevator up, a big Russian guy asked us what why we were there. Sean pointed at me and said something like, "Baby!" And the guy said, "Oh, is it twins?" Woah, how'd he know? "I'm a doctor, I know," he answered. Awesome.
  • My belly length is now 38 cm. If you remember, that's equivalent to a lady having a single baby at 38 weeks along. People deliver at this size. I'm 10 weeks ahead. Oy, where's it all going to go from here?!
**Oh, thanks everyone for your comments on my last ultrasound post, I needed all those opinions and tips. You guys are fantastic!


  1. Congratulations, Katie! You're farther along than I ever was, by over a week! Your babies would look so darn cute right now if they were born. But they won't be. I bet you'll go another 9 weeks. That would be perfect. Perfect babies, perfect parents. Just perfect!

  2. Will you know which one is the one you've been call baby A when they come out to know if you are calling the right baby the correct name? I think you are AMAZING for carrying 2 at once! :-)

  3. I love the foot and leg pictures!

  4. K, I like that orange drink for the glucose test too. People think I'm crazy. I'm glad I'm not alone! :)
