Friday, February 5, 2010


Some of you may be wondering about that house I mentioned in the last post. Sadly, it was not to be. The sellers got back to us saying that they realized they couldn't pay off their own mortgage if they sold it for the list price. They then proceded to hike up the price $16,000. I'm not sure if they're just very financially irresponsible or if it was some devious ploy to attract people at the lower price, get them emotionally inveseted, then ask for more. But either way, it's a no-go. It was disappointing, yes, but we're back on the trail, trying to find the best house for us.

On a happier note, how great was Lost? I haven't had nearly enough time to read all the analyses out there (who, me? A nerd? nah...). I'm a bit too inundated with real life decisions and situations. Ah, grownuphood.

Onward, ever onward!


  1. Our house was offer number 5 and the best of them all! You'll get something you LOVE. I know it,

  2. Our DVR didn't record Lost for some reason so we're watching it online tonight once we get these kids in bed...can't wait! I'm so sorry about your house! It really doesn't seem like it should be allowed to do what they did, but I know you'll find something else and that you will love it and be completely happy there!
