Thursday, September 17, 2009

Kingdom Animalia

Ah, is it ever wonderful to have Pogo with me. So I can make her howl and play with her jowls whenever I please.

I don't even mind it when she whines at me once an hour to go outside. That is, I don't mind it too much.

Except when it's 4 in the morning. Then I mind very much.

Oh Pogo, look at your gray snout. My little puppy's getting old. My Almost 10 Years Old puppy.

New family portrait! (What an awesome background...)

Let's talk about some other animals. Animals we saw at the Houston Museum of Natural Science (is there an unnatural science?) with mom and dad.
I guess I can't call this an animal. It's the bricks and mortar of an animal. Who hasn't lived for a long time. But Sean likes it. My dad, too.

Staring contest. Who do you think will blink first?

Aw, friends!

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