Saturday, September 20, 2014

Grey, 2

Hi. I'm Grey. Today I'm two years old!

I really like to eat. Not so much vegetables. More like... sweets. Oh dessert, you complete me.

I might only be two but I can pretty much do anything my brothers can. Well, at least I try to. I'll attempt any height, join any game, explore any hiding spot. Liam and Dash LOVE it, right guys?

I REALLY don't like it when I don't get the food I request, when my brothers pick on me, when I have a goal/destination in mind but am stymied, and when I don't get the food I request. Oh, did I mention that already. Well, I really don't like that.

My mom keeps saying I am so getting so silly. I guess that's because I laugh so much and try to get her to laugh, too. I like to make funny sounds and do goofy walks and hide in crazy places.

I still don't get the hype about talking. I'm getting by just fine using my handful of words, my signs, and a variety of grunts. I can make "mommy" and "daddy" mean at least twenty different things each, depending on my tone, syllabic emphasis, cadence, and volume. It's an art. Though if my parents are really not getting it, I might throw out a "help me!" Only if I'm desperate.

I love to cuddle in the chair in my room, give hugs, lounge on my parents, and be sweet. Mommy and Daddy like that a lot. In fact, I think they like ME a lot! Happy birthday to me!

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