Friday, January 16, 2009


One of the neatest gifts Sean and I received was created by Sean's mom.

It's made of foil.
And paper.
And some material.
And photos.

Not to mention wax.

And scrubs.

Are you ready to behold?

Ta Da!!

Aren't those just the cutest, most fun things you've every seen?? Sean loved he's depicted as a doctor. I love that I'll be eternally gazing at his glorious visage.

I especially love the feet, they're the cutest part.


  1. Those are so great! Were they just a random gift or is there a story behind them? I want to make some now :-)!

  2. Ha! Those are hilarious. I'm tempted to make some.

  3. Those are super cute! I love that Sean's toes are barely poking out! How is life?
