Holy cruuuuud this is a lot of photos. As in, six months of photos. So, sit back and relax? (and if you follow me on instagram, you've seen all the photos but not all the videos, so scroll down to the recordings)
En fuego
It's nice to have a daddy to cuddle when you have a headache.
Presenting his teeth for brushing
Big windows = big, beautiful eyes
Triplets (in Florida's Fort Christmas)
Happy Easter!
It was so fun to Escape the Room (with eight strangers). Just like those computer games but even more exciting!
Coming back from Florida without Sean's accompaniment: Three boys, a pregnant mom, and two flights. My fingers were crossed.
These guys adore their cousins. We miss Florida!
Explored Stillwater one day. Still letting go of the apprehension of my kids being so close to so many ledges. And my legs hurt so much from carrying grey up half the killer stairs. Otherwise, it was fun!
A pretty good way to spend the afternoon
Sweet cousin Naomi sent some of her previously loved hair supplies to her baby girl cousin. We're just testing them out :)
Relishing a day with daddy home
Road trip side trips
Real deal, squinty eyes
We've had a stow-away!
About to get licked. (Cheyenne Mountain Zoo)
Happy anniversary, babe! Eight years strong.
The upside to being snowed in and unable to start our long drive home as early as we planned: skyping with elder Austin!
A mysterious Mother's Day gift arrived today. Thank you secret headband giver (aka Shara), they're delightful! And they make excellent eyepatches, as these boys discovered soon after this picture.
Well, the birthday party was a lot of fun but a party planner I was not meant to be. I was so TIRED. (Back of the camera shots)
It's a caterpillar, not the usual green thing on the tip of his finger.
Perfect bubble weather
Boys' first play!
I'll never grow up never grow up never grow up, not me!
Oh they're into it
Looking through photos on my phone and found a winner
Swim lessons went swimmingly! Liam and dash learned stroke techniques and grey (after patiently waiting for his lesson to begin) thought it was all the best thing ever (except back floats, those are weird)
An evening of classic cars
Me: "what was your favorite car you saw tonight?"
Dash: "my light saber!"
Liam: "my ninja!"
Balloon creations preclude all divergent thought.
Lonely bench
Fam on the fourth
Blueberry-induced goofball faces
From playgroup during the week- never seen this swing so full! I think we got up to seven kids on there.
Now everyone's a little bit sick. Goal 1: keep me from getting sick because... Baby soon! Goal 2: have everyone better before my mom comes so SHE doesn't get sick when baby comes and she's in charge. Luckily, it seems like everyone's on the mend.
Tiny feet, comparatively.
Grandma's here so it's time for dates! First with the hubby to find a suit, then two dates to the bookstore and one to the pet store with the kiddos!
Far away fam
Time to splash
Due date was that day. If I'm not going to the hospital, may as well go to a museum.
By request, the 40 weeks picture. So fabulous
Wren's social media introduction. Also, not only did she wait for Harry Potter's birthday, she was also born under a blue moon. She's a special girl.
While we were wrapping things up at the hospital, the boys got to pretend to be pioneers!
These brothers are a little bit smitten.
Subtle changes
One week old!
Daddy daughter time. Also, The Grumpy Brow. Also, ruffles!
Falling-asleep smiles
Babyhood seems pretty great.
These big kids really are BIG.
New favorite activity
Breaking news! Dash's first lost tooth, with another wiggly one next door!
When you win unlimited rides at Como Town, you ride the train four times!
Cuddle line
||one month|| Wren is getting more alert all the time, usually gives a four or five hour stint between eating at night, and is very patient with her loving brothers. She also has acne and a receding hairline- the joys of getting older.
Lakeside playtime
The brother train
Morning smiles
Liam and dash were required to get headphones for school and so they're trying them out, listening to music. Suddenly they're teenagers. I'm trying not to think about how much I'm going to miss them as kindergarten starts tomorrow...
It's begun. They're in the hands of another. Grey is surprisingly okay with it. My eyes are perpetually wet.
This little bit of sugar helped me out on the first day of kindergarten. Not to mention the fact that I had already visited Liam and Dash for lunch.
I guess he wasn't kidding when he said he was "so tired" all day.
When she sees daddy on the morning
Parade watchers
Little Man turned three and Sean worked a 24 hour shift. So we brought the birthday grey to him. The visit was appropriately ended by a page for Dr. Bradley.
Time for a birthday walk!
Another pic of that beautifully decorated birthday cake.
|| 2 months old || or is she? When is her month-iversary when she was born on the 31st? Anyway, Wren eats great, sleeps great, poops great, and smiles great. The two nights previous, she's gone twelve (!!!) and nine (!) hours between eating which makes ME smile. What a baby!
My favorite hugs
Little Lady taking in the world from her daddy's arms
Angry caramel
Can you spy what these kids are all chasing? (Psst- it's an ostrich)
She + me (And a fistful of my hair)
Sole benefit of waking before the sun: seeing three bright planets (there's a third there, promise) (Sean claims there was a fourth)
This old pup turned 16. Never imagined you'd make it this far. How lucky we are! Happy birthday, Pogo!
Last week, Sean, wren, and I visited a potential employer. It was so strange to have just one baby- never happened. It was all... so... simple.
The boys were under the care of Mimi and Pompa, I think they had a bit of fun.
Kindergarten school photos! Hee hee!
This house has been on a Star Wars kick. Splash Pad in Orlando
Teaching dance moves.
Doing their own dances. *Boom*
Back when they were learning the Star Wars songs. I think those tunes will be forever embedded in their souls by now.
Grey trying to make grass music like Daddy.
The usual antics.
They had this run where all three boys built all sorts of Duplo creations together and didn't fight (except sometimes they did a little). It was so fantastic.
Grey talkin fireworks
Dash's interpretive Star Wars dance
She was a'bumpin' Grey discovered the ability to fake laugh but it usually turns into the real thing. Melt my heart. A fun game of hit-the-helicopter-drone-with-fake-lightsabers. Pajama beautiful. Featuring Grey's fantastic whispering and burping abilities. Wren had just let out her first laugh while watching Liam spin jump so I started videoing in case she did it again. Meanwhile Grey tries to sneak his first in front of the camera. A long, sweet, though not terribly dramatic look at Wren listening to Sean. She laughs! She doesn't do it much which makes this video that much more precious.
Wren Stares, Version 1: staring at the back of the phone.
Wren Stares, Version 2: staring at the phone screen, specifically, her selfie
Dash's talk 2015. All his own thoughts.
Grey's first log ride (with Pompa!). He didn't seem to enjoy it while in the middle of it but he claims otherwise. Such a silly ride.
Timber! Her second time rolling from tummy to back.