(a rainless rainbow!)
Liam: You're going to win, Dash, my brother!
Bathtime on dec 25
Liam: It's Christmas water!
Dash: When I'm a daddy and I'm skyping I will say where's Waldo in Hollywood.
Sean: Is that what you'll say? I bet that might happen one day. When you're a daddy.
Katie: Who will you skype? Daddy and I?
Dash: No I would skype everyone in the whole... wide world. ...Seven billion. [knowing nod]
Liam smiling broadly the entire monologue: we went to Karen new year! I danceded there! I crieded there!
Dash: Who sent us this Waldo book?!
Liam: Martin Handford sent it to us!
Liam [during prayer]: Bless the little little little little baby in mommy's tummy.
Liam singing: Heavenly Father has a plan for me and you would even say it glows.
Dash: I'm the fastest
Katie: You're the fastest doing what?
Dash: I'm the fastest at... Running!
Liam: But look how fast I run!
Dash: And look how fast I run
Liam: Maybe we're the same fastest!
Dash: Yes! We can hold hands!
Liam: Don't forget your picture, Liam.
Sean: Woo, did someone toot? Dash did you toot?
Dash: No.
Sean: Grey did you toot?
Grey: Uh uh. Dash.
Sean: What's your favorite shape?
Dash: Square
Grey: O
Liam: Dodecahedron
Noticing some stickers high on the wall
Sean: Did mommy put these up?
Liam: No
Sean: Who did?
Liam: ... Visitors...
Dash: We're puzzle makers! And heart breakers!
Liam: Mom look! It's very very giant! It's ginormous!
Grey: Ready... Go! [Run a few feet, repeat]
Sean: Katie, you are so pretty. You're the prettiest girl in the world.
Dash: I'm a pretty boy! I'm the prettiest boy in the whole world. Because I can run super fast!
Dash: Mommy I have a great joke for you!
Katie: Ok let's hear it.
Dash: What did the tomato say to the apple?
Katie: Oo what did he say
Dash: Hello!
Dash: I want to go to the... I want to go to the... Mommy, I want to go to the... I want to go to the... [x12]
Katie: Liam, can I give you a big big hug?
Liam gladly embraces.
Katie: Oh I love you, can i hug you forever?
Liam: Haha, no mommy, I need to watch this video
Katie: Aw, I wanted to hug you forever!
Liam: But mommy I'll be with you forever!
Katie: You will? That makes me so happy!
Liam: Mmhmm! And you can hold my foot.
Commenting on the stack of turtles in Yertle the turtle during a preschool lesson:
Liam: I think there's a thousand thousand!
Kyra: Or maybe one hundred!
Dash: maybe a thousand seven hundred!
Nathan: Or maybe... 17!
Grey: Katie. Katie. Katie. Katie.
Dash: Liam, can I hold your hand?
Liam: Yes, you may.
Dash: *kiss* I love you Liam.
Liam: *kiss* I love you Dash. *kiss* I love you Grey.
Grey: No!
Repeating a silly knock knock joke:
Grey: knock knock, there, who, face monkey!
[Usually we say Kiss! Hug! before I leave his bed at night]
Katie: good night sweetie.
Grey: Kiss! Hohg! Ha ha, hohg! Ha ha, hohg! Ha ha!
Dash: Do you know what you earned? A tickle!
Dash, out of the blue: I see it! I see my skin!
Dash: Why are we going slow?
Katie: Do you see all the cars in front of us? It's hard to go fast if they're not going fast.
Liam: Grey, are you ready to roll and rock?
As reported by my parents
Grandpa: Look, a giant alligator!
One of the twins: That's not a real alligator. That was made of wood and paint.
Grey: A mint?
Katie: Yep, that's a mint.
Grey: Yeah.
Katie: Yeah.
Grey: Exactly.
Liam: WATCH OUT FOR THAT... leaf.
Liam: it's not a race but I want to be first!
Liam to grey: Can you get more?! My babe?!
Liam to me: He's my babe.
Dash: Rusty the snowman had a very shiny nose. And if you ever saw it you would even say... He's from Jupiter.
Liam: Happy Mother's Day!
Dash: Happy Mother's Day!
Grey: Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Blow them out. [blows]
Grey squeezes his arms around me: Huuuuuuuu...(breathe)... huuuuuuu... (Breathe)... huuuuuuuug.
Dash: Mommy. Mommy. Mommy.
Katie: Yes dash, what do you need?
Dash: I just... I don't need anything, I was just telling you where I was.
Liam looking at a two faced Lego man: Daddy, this is his face when he attacked the Death Star and this is his face when he attacked the Death Star and said "sigh."
Katie: Okay, go to the bathroom before going to the car.
Liam: Let's go together, Dash!
Dash instead closes the bathroom door before Liam.
Liam cries: I wanted to go at the same time, mommy! I wanted to make an x!
Liam: Who painted this, mommy?
Katie: The van? I guess Honda did.
Liam: No, it was Jesus! He made everything.
Grey sings: a b c d f g, now I wonder what you are.
Liam comes out of his room at bedtime: Daddy, I just needed to tell you that I need to go to sleep now.
Grey pointed at his diaper: This is my poopoo balloon
Liam's prayer: Dear henly father, thank thee for Star Wars. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen
Grey in a serious whisper: Daddy. Daddy. I not grey. I boba fett.
Grey: Baby in your tummy?
Katie: That's right, grey, there's a baby inside!
Grey: Can I kiss your baby?
Katie: Of course!
Grey kisses my belly.
Grey: Can I squish your baby?
Katie: Well, very very softly.
Grey gently pinches my belly.
Grey: Can I poke your baby?
Katie: Yes, softly.
Grey gently pokes my belly.
Katie: Hey grey, is this baby your baby sister?
Grey: Uuuuuuh nope!
Katie: Actually it is your baby sister!
Grey: Oh, yeah.
Katie: She'll come out very soon.
Grey: Your doctor poke you?
Katie: No, the baby will come out by herself, the doctor just helps.
Grey: The doctor poke your pants?
Katie: Nope, the doctor just helps get the baby to come out of my body.
Grey: Oh. Yeah.