Friday, February 27, 2015

18 little weeks

As of last Tuesday, I'm 18 weeks! Items of note:
- I ridiculously forgot to mention last time that I've been feeling little kicks and punches! It started around 17 weeks or so. I have to keep reminding myself that I'm feeling a baby and not a bunch of funny abdominal muscle twitches.
- I often get a nice jolt of pain in my hip when walking on my left leg. So fun...
- I'm always wanting chocolate. I'm not sure if it's a true pregnancy craving or if I'm just taking it as a handy excuse to eat it all the time.
- Other foods that sound wonderful always: pho, spring rolls, and ice cream (and I still enjoy my almost daily potato)
- I'm going to have to break out my maternity clothes soon- fashion circa 2009. Clothes be expensive.

Monday is the anatomy screening, which means, WE FIND OUT THE GENDER! Oh the excitement! Feel free to log your guess!


  1. I'm going to go out on a limb and guess you're having either a boy or a girl.

  2. I'm voting for a girl to come and rock your boy world...although your boys are so adorable it wouldn't be a bad thing to add another :-)
