Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Happy Valentine's?

So, Valentine's Day wasn't awesome this year. It took it's downward turn when I tried to take a quick shower while all the kids were up. I returned to this:
Thankfully, it was washable paint. But that doesn't mean I was happy about it. Look at Liam's guilty smile. And Dash knowing he was in trouble. And Grey's legs! Let's take a closer look at the culprits.

Well mom must not be TOO mad if she's taking our picture, right? (I was)

If I look extra sweet, mom will take it easy on me. (Slightly true)

Paint tastes funny. Can you wipe my nose? (I did)

So after a bath (to say nothing of the paint sprinkled throughout the house that took all day to clean), we hurried to get our valentine's ready to share at our party. But it was a party that was cancelled because of a sick house and possibly? relocated to a library. We went in case other people showed up. No one did. BUT that meant we had lots of cookies to eat ourselves. Then I realized during naptime that we didn't have yeast and I'd have to wait until after Grey wakes up to go buy some. So the pizza dough got made late, which had to be allowed to rise. Meaning, dinner was very late. BUT our heart pizza was delicious nonetheless! It was just one of those high-expectation days that turned out otherwise. But still okay. You know?


  1. Glad you got pictures. It might not have been real fun at the time, but pictures like this are a treasure later! :)

  2. This made me laugh...but I feel your pain :-)! Life with kids is never dull, that is for sure. I always say, It's a good thing they are cute!

  3. Ah man, those days are exhausting!! Glad you were able to laugh a little bit over it.
