Hi! I'm Wren! I recently turned three years old!

I am a fun and silly little kid whose keenly aware of how funny and cute I am. From goofy faces (I can make a hilarious side-eye) and impromptu songs to whackado questions and off-the-wall answers, I'm a funny kid. Nothing's better than when I make my brothers laugh!

I'm also a child very set in my own opinions. It doesn't matter if what I demand is logical or flip flops one second to the next, you should do what I say! I've perfected my mad face and full-blast scream. I know perfectly well how to use the potty but... no thanks. Also, please carry me everywhere always.

But worry not, I'm mostly very sweet, full of sensitivity and cuddles. I love cats and pink and purple. I love the letter W and find it in all my stories (W is the best letter, of course), plus I can make it with my fingers (and its the same as my age!)! I like to pick out my own outfits. Mommy appreciates how I still sleep great at night at take naps. I'm happy to serenade you with a song, though I will be very particular about when you should and should not sing along. I love games that make me giggle.

Happy birthday to me! And here's a million more photos because I'm so cute.