Wren: Grey hit me!
Katie: Oh no, that’s terrible! Were you bothering him?
Wren: NO! I was bothering Dash.
Grey: When are the Fall Olympics?
Katie: You know what? There are no fall olympics, just winter and summer. But they should have fall ones, that would be cool.
Grey: Maybe I could be in it since it’s my birthday?
Katie: Oh yeah, definitely!
Grey: I could be... [whispers] a silent huntress.
Grey reads “of the ninety and nine which went not astray”: of the ninety and nine which went to Australia.
Wren: I’ll never rip it again. I only did that two days ago. Five days ago. I’ll not do that today. Yesterday, I mean.
Grey: We should put a Go Pro on Syl. It would be cool to watch, like, “wow. That’s crazy.”
Katie: Dash did you clean up the snow you brought in?
Dash: Yes I did.
Katie: Are you sure, I see a lot of water in the ground.
Dash: That’s not the snow, that’s the water I put on the snow to melt it.
Wren: I’m a big girl!
Katie: You are! Do you like growing up?
Wren: Yes! But I don’t like having a couch in my room.
Katie: Would you like to help me and bring down these towels?
Wren: Sure!
Katie: Thanks wren, do you know where they go?
Wren: Yeah, in the trowel drawer. Howel. Trow... drow... tro... twow... towel. The towel drawer!
Liam: Did you start on the 2017 book?
Katie: I think I have but I’m not positive.
Liam: So you’re negative?!
Katie comes home with a new haircut.
Grey: You look like a girl Professor Snape.
Wren sneezes: Mommy I Blessed Youed!
Wren: It has peacocks on it! Snakes. Peacocks.
Katie: Flamingos?
Wren: Flamingos!
Liam: Wren, you’re still in the tub? You’ve been in there forever!
Sean: She’s going to turn into a raisin.
Katie: I think she’ll turn into a fish.
Wren: I don’t want to be a fish, I want to become a wren!
Liam: What if you became an old person’s pupil?!
Liam: Wren, do you know about Stonehenge? [waits] Yes or no?
Wren: Yes!
Liam: What is it?
Wren: I don’t know, can you talk bout it?
Liam: No.
Sean: Where’s Grey?
Dash: Probably pooping.
Grey, asleep, then at full volume: Yeah! He actually accidentally... [gestures in an open palm vertical slicing motion] he actually accidentally, like, he did something on accident.
Katie: Wren, you have so many bruises on your legs.
Wren: Yeah because I had owies. And they developed into bruises.
Wren: Now write ‘picture,’ upper case.
Katie writes it.
Wren: Okay, now ‘wall,’ downer case.
Grey: Daddy daddy Daaaadddddy daddy.
Sean: Yes?
Grey: Okay, so, um... what was I going to say?
Grey: Mommy, can you help me? I’m trying to dig a family hole.
Wren, amazed: Food turns into poo!
Wren: I don’t have shoes, I only brought my sandals. My slip slops.
Wren: Mommy, I literally have to go potty.
Wren: I poked my foot. [whimpers] I think it has cavities.
Grey: Mom, sometimes you say,”that’s funny,” but you don’t really think it’s funny.
Liam: Grey, why did you push the horn?
Grey: I didn’t mean to!
Katie: Yeah, it was an accident.
Liam: But Wren did it on purpose.
Katie: I don’t think she did it on purpose, actually.
Wren: I DID!
Wren: Why did they give me cheese?! I didn’t want cheese!! [eats all the cheese]
Clipping Grey’s toenails
Grey: That’s one of my nine favorite toes.
Grey: Don’t eat with food in your mouth!
Wren as Gollum: I’m precious.
Wren: Dobby the Hobbit is freeeeee!
Liam: Impossible! No... improbable.
Mimi: Do you need to go potty?
Wren: No. My bottom was just hungry.
Grey: Who was your mom when you were little?
Sean: Mimi was my mom, and she still is! Who was your mom when you were little?
Grey: You!
Wren: I tooted, do you smell my smell? Once again, my smell is yucky.
Wren: A’five, a’six, a’seven, a’eight, a’nine, a’ten, a’leven... a’.... a’... a’eleven!
Wren: Wrap me like a b’ritio [burrito]. I don’t have hot sauce. I have cold sauce. You can pick cold sauce or warm sauce or hot sauce. It’s pink and purple. And shiny!
Liam: Can we play sardines?
Wren: Yes! Sore-beans!
Wren: Ow! Ow! Oh that steams!
Sean: Do you know any compound words?
Grey: I know one! Custard!
Grey: Did you know your birthday is on Harry Potter’s birthday?
Wren: No, he’s on MY birthday.
Wren: It's cold outside so I've got chickenbunks.
Katie: That’s pretty dang fun!
Grey, staring at me: I’ve always wanted to hear you say “dang.”
Wren: Do it!
Katie: Do what?
Wren growl whispers: Save the Dark Lord.
😳 [said while listening to Harry Potter]
Wren: What’s your dad’s name?
Friend: Well, I call him Dad, but he’s also Justin.
Wren: Oh, I know! “With liberty and Justin for all!”
Wren: This smells like root beard.
Wren: Daddy, Grey won’t let me put these stickers where I want.
Sean: Well, you two need to work together and work it out.
Wren goes back to Grey: Grey, Daddy says you have to let me do whatever I want.
Wren: Help me, I’m indisposed!
Wren: Chapstick is lip glom.
Grey: Is this chicken made of chicken?
Wren: Jesus is watching you, Dash.
Wren: Amen. I don’t like men.
Liam: Mom! Wren called us weird donkeys!
Liam, praying: Please bless the day after Christmas Eve.
All sing: Rudolph the red-nose reindeer, you’ll go down in history!
Wren: Like Wren Bradley!
Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Friday, November 29, 2019
Some photos I took ended up being incredibly dark but I tried to salvage them. Some worked better than others. They're weird but I like them (both the photos and the kids)

Thursday, November 28, 2019
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Hi, I'm Liam and I'm nine years old!
I'm quite a kid. I love school, I love video games, I love books, I love creating, I love it all. I have a lot of projects going on at one time. I've started playing baritone and really like band- I usually practice when mom asks me. I really like the drama class at school and can't wait to be in the play at the end of the year.
I've made lots of friends in our new school and church ward. Depending on who I'm with, I can be a quiet, diligent worker or I can be loud and obnoxious. I'm working on being a good influence on those around me rather than vice versa. I also can be pretty competitive so I'm trying to remember that it's okay if I lose and to be a gracious winner as well. I love doing being with my family!
Hooray for me!
Hi! I'm Dash and I'm nine years old.
I'm a delightful kid that's full of emotion. I love learning and reading and watching and doing and making. I started playing the clarinet, which I love except for putting away allllll the pieces. Drama class has been really fun and the play will be such a great experience.
I love all the new friends I've made, being silly and loud with them. I have to remember the proper places where I can be loud with them. I'm also working on staying calm when upsetting things happen, which can be really hard but I'm trying. But I love being with my family and making them all laugh and think.
Hooray for me!
Hooray for us!
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