Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Branson: On the Porch

So, Grey was not on his best behavior during our week in Branson but Liam and Dash were a little better than usual. They have been on this really mean kick where they fight alllllll the time. But being with all these other kids provided much distraction from that pursuit.

But the mornings... ugh. Liam and Dash were sharing a bed and they would fight over the placement of the pillows, the blankets, their books, everything. And since they wake up so ridiculously early, I'd have to keep them in the room until I could let them loose at a reasonable hour. But I also had to keep them quiet so as not to wake Grey... in was a battle in the mornings. I'll just leave it at that.

To make matters worse, I got the worst crick in my neck that kept me from tilting my head to the left. Or if I did, pain pain pain. Incidentally, I use my neck a whole lot caring for three kids. I just hurt all day for four days. Just thinking about it now makes me want to cry.

But whatever, right? You gotta do what you gotta do to be with your family.

It was fun getting to know Mr. Aedhun. I think he and Grey look alike. Do you think?

But, dude, he did not act like Grey. He was so okay with being on his own. Probably because he was a crawling champ. AND he could get into a sitting position on his own. AND he could pull himself up. He's a go-getter.

And then there's Grey the army crawler. He must have picked up a thing or two from his cousin because they day after we got back home, he pulled himself to standing (at church on a pew). Then a few days later he started knee crawling. Then a few days later he starting sitting himself up. All of which he is now quite proficient. That Aedhun's a great teacher!

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