Wednesday, April 16, 2014


I came downstairs, one day, to find Dash missing a whole lot of hair from his forehead. He said he wanted "silly hair."

Liam's looked a little thinner as well. "Did you cut your hair, Liam." He shook his head. A little while later, I became sure some hair was missing. "You really didn't cut your hair?" Another head shake. Then a thought... "Did Dash cut your hair?" Excited nodding. Only after we buzzed their heads that night did I see how short it was. It was an underneath layer, heretofore hidden. At least Dash cut it similarly between the two of them- if you see them both at once, you might just think they're twins with matching wonky hairlines.

Grey was spared, for he was sleeping. Phew. Although, he actually does need a haircut...

And the scissors now reside atop the refrigerator.

1 comment:

  1. Ah nuts. I've purposely been NOT teaching Sophie to use scissors for fear that All The Things would soon be snipped, cut, and trimmed. When I took her for her preschool evaluation and she, well, couldn't use scissors, the teachers kindly reminded me that I should get over it and just teach her already. Heaven help us.

    Also, really with those eyes and lashes! Your boys have some of THE MOST gorgeous eyes on the planet.
