Friday, November 30, 2012

Sleight of Hand

We're going on day four of Sean being away for interviews. I'm so glad I'm here with my parents instead of by my lonesome at home.

Sean's been loving all his interviews. Each place becomes his favorite until he moves on to the next program. I only believe his opinion about a week later when his rose-colored glasses have come off.

Did you know he often does card tricks during his interviews. He listed "sleight of hand" on his application and every now and then an interviewer asks to see the magician at work. It makes a memorable impression.

Now come home, sweetie!


  1. Sean is going to be the best doctor ever! If he were to be a pediatric GI specialist, I would follow you guys wherever you go.

  2. Haha! That's awesome that he gets to show off his skills!
