Tuesday, April 17, 2012


I think it's time again to celebrate the differences between our precious twin boys. I'm always learning what these two are like and how to describe them. It's really hard to pick out adjectives, I think, because they're a little bit of this and a little bit of that. I think I feel safe in saying that Dash is slightly more independent than Liam, who really enjoys being a part of the action. That's not an all-or-nothing statement at all, that's just the way they lean- Liam certainly has his moments of independence and Dash enjoys his time in the group. Here's some examples of how my boys are not exactly alike. (Photo guide: Dash in blue, Liam in green)

If anyone gets bitten by a mosquito, it’s Dash.

When Liam makes a nice splash in the bathtub, he’ll lean over the side to check if Mama’s pants are wet.


When Dash begins a frustration tantrum, he usually doesn’t want to be handled at all. If you touch him, it makes him cry and flail worse. I just have to wait until he comes to me, then he’s ready for a cuddle. Liam does this too but it’s more often with Dash.


Liam often does things in order to please his parents, to make them proud. Dash often does things in order to please himself, to make himself proud. (There’s cross-over, of course)

Dash’s laugh is most often a giggle. Liam’s laugh is usually very big (and occasionally even seems forcedly so).


Liam can be tickled all day but Dash has a limit.

I think Dash may prefer independent play and Liam may prefer group play. Many times, Liam is found joining an activity and Dash leaving an activity for something he can do alone (or with just a parent).


Liam has a habit of keeping all recently used toys in his possession because they’re obviously now his property and no one else can use them. Dash has a habit of leaving recently used toys nearby, forgetting about them, but then getting very upset when his brother uses it.


Liam is very eager to put things away when I mention it (even if sometimes it is for the sole purpose of dumping them out again). Dash chooses which items he decides to be eager to put away.

Liam almost always applauds me after I sing a song.


Dash is often very quick on picking up sign language. Many times I can show him a sign once and he’s got it.

Liam is ready to get out of the tub at a certain point after the clean-up is done. Dash wants to stay until the last drop of water has drained.

When given a plate of mixed broccoli and cauliflower, Dash will eat the cauliflower and Liam will eat the broccoli (or maybe it’s vice versa?).


Liam’s usually pretty consistent in his volume, very vocal and happy. Dash is sometimes very quiet and sometimes extremely loud (just ask him what a lion says… if he’s in the mood).

Similarly, when Dash gets in a particularly silly mood, it’s very noticeable because it can be such a striking difference from his often slightly subdued demeanor. Liam gets quite silly too but it’s more in the range of his usual behavior.

Those are my boys!

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