Wednesday, April 18, 2012

But they're alike too

Here's a story: Saturday morning, the boys woke up so we woke up. We did our little get-ready routine before going to get kids, as we do every day. As I'm in the shower, I hear Sean gasp, "oh my goodness!" and him sprinting from the bathroom. Which was then followed by a fit of Sean's shocked giggles. I peeked my head out and beheld a naked Liam walking into our room followed soon after by a naked Dash.

Yes, these little boys not only stripped down from their pajamas and diapers (something they had begun the day before at naptime) but also escaped their crib and their room and made it to ours. Both of them! 

Unfortunately, they're still in diapers for a reason and there was some clean-up involved. The boys often get excited about switching out their bed sheets and that day wanted to get in each other's cribs once we had cleaned them up. So when they wanted out, we asked them, "how did you get out of your crib?" and they showed us (until we stopped them). Dash lifted one leg until it reached above the railing and eased it over, so it seems he sort of rolled over the railing on his side. Liam's method was to reach over to the outside of the railing, grab ahold of the vertical slats and hike up his legs (picture a male gymnast going into a handstand on the rings, except with a crib railing). So he must have gone for a nice flip dismount, which is horrifying to imagine.

Knowing what I know about each boy, I'd guess that Dash led the charge to strip down while Liam spearheaded the escape plan. They were examples for each other.


It's really surprising yet completely not surprising the level in which they influence each other. And despite all the differences between them, they are so similar. I really had to think hard for several days to come up with that list. Here's a quick, off-the-top-of-my-head list to celebrate their influences and similarities:

Whoever starts saying a word first sets the precedent on how to say it. What's why we say Dash's "ohhh-ah" for orange and Liam's "puh" for pink.

Dash entered the no-clothes phase on his own but after seeing his brother strip down, Liam was at it in a couple of hours.

If they're both playing with a rock and one of them shows me theirs, the other one then needs to show me theirs, too.

How often a toy is left in the middle of a play session because one boy saw his brother pull out a new toy and they just love to do what each other is doing.

They both just love finishing a puzzle. When they do they shout in glee and draw an air circle around the completed picture, expecting much applause and admiration.

They influence each other to eat their snacks really fast... so that their brother won't get a chance to mooch. 

Once one boy pulls out a book, goodness gracious, the book party has begun!

If one boy brings a toy to a meal, you better believe I hear about it from his brother until he has a toy too.

After we started talking to them about having a new baby sibling, Liam started using "bee-bee" as his chit chat word. After a few days, Dash adopted it too.

Dash started jutting out his jaw a long time ago, after a month Liam started too. That's what I call a "long con" influence.


The copy catting at mealtime is rampant. Whether it be playing peekaboo or wanting to hold a parent's hand or putting their milk cups on their head or shooting grapes out of their mouths, they do what their brother does.

It's really great when, during clean up, one boy starts helping because he sees his brother doing it.

When the whole family is walking together, one boy will inevitably want to be picked up. His brother will want to be picked up the moment he sees the new situation.

I think they really help each other learn. When I'm trying to teach them a new word or a sign or a sound, having one of the boys pay attention helps the other to focus too. Hearing/seeing his brother say/do the new thing helps him figure it out. Plus, they always want to show off what they've learned so one boy's showing off cues the other to do the same- good practice!

Probably my favorite- if one boy comes to give me a hug or kiss, the other wants to as well. Parenthood's the best.


  1. I love this post! It's so cute, and it makes me excited for my boys to grow up and be better friends and see how they influence each other.

  2. How do you keep up with two toddler boys!! You are amazing.
