Thursday, November 10, 2011

Kid Table

Sean finished his kid table! He actually finished about a month ago (thank you radiology rotation). I was just taking my sweet time taking pictures of it.

I think Sean is most proud of his mortise and tenon joints. As him about it, he'll talk your ear off. I think I may have accidentally chosen his least favorite example to photograph. Sorry honey.

We don't have chairs for it yet, but no matter, we all prefer to stand or sit on the table itself.

The table's the perfect place to have snacks and color.

Note to self: tape the paper down better.

Second note to self: tape paper closer to edge.

It really helps keep them occupied when I'm getting a meal ready for them. Except for the regular thirty second interruptions in which I have to remind them to color with the crayon, not eat the crayon.

I think our longest crayon at this point is about half an inch long. But they're learning. With the help of Sean's awesome table!

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