Monday, September 26, 2011

When Family Comes to Town

Family came to visit!

I think it was originally conceived as a girls weekend, having my mom and sister fly out while Sean was busy at work. But Dad wanted to come too (who wouldn't?!) and Sean wasn't super busy like usually. So it was just fun awesome family weekend!

They all had fun chasing around the little toddlers.

They even watched the boys one afternoon while Sean and I went out for lunch and a movie! Contagion: two thumbs up for scientific accuracy!

We did do some girly things, like shopping (how was it that the poor med student's wife was the only one who bought clothes?) and watching project runway. But we also had fun at the splash park, played lots of games ("whatever you do, don't triple farkel!") and ate lots of dessert.

It was lovely. Look forward to more pictures in the days to come!

1 comment:

  1. I am dying to see Contagion! Glad to hear it got your scientific approval :-).
