Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Sharing Progress

Sharing is in full swing with the Bradley twins lately. Don't get me wrong, the stealing toys and the jealous yelling have not left us yet. But sharing is slowly creeping into their lifestyle.

Examples of sharing and outcomes:
  • Brother A wants Brother B's toy. So he grabs a nearby toy, offers it to Brother B, who accepts and relinquishes the coveted toy, which is quickly nabbed by Brother A. Everyone's happy, Mama's impressed.
  • Brother A wants Brother B's toy. So he grabs a nearby toy, offers it to Brother B who ignores him and continues playing with his own toy. Brother A drops the offered toy in Brother B's lap, pretending it was accepted, and snatches the coveted toy out of Brother B's hands. Brother B screams.
  • Brother A plays with a toy, sees Brother B's interest in it, and freely offers it to him. Mama oozes with mother pride goo.
  • Brother A gets in a sharing mood and brings any and all items to Brother B. Brother B is confused.

Pretty awesome progress, I'd say.

Post-edit: I forgot a good example! Here it is:
  • Brother A plays with a toy, Brother B wants it and tries to snatch it. Brother A offers a different toy to distract Brother B. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it dissolves into a biting fest.


  1. Hey Katie. I love all of the pictures on your blog. What kind of camera do you have? We are looking to buy a nice one and are trying to figure out what kind to get.


  2. Love this. The way you write about them is SO FUNNY. Makes me laugh the way I laugh when I read our much-beloved Pioneer Woman. You've got a gift!

  3. Wow! I'm impressed! Sharing at 16 months? Kyle and I are still working on that virtue!

    Don't you love little baby bodies? I like your shirtless evening pictures! I'm always amazing at Avery's cute little body when I change or bathe her!
