Tuesday, August 17, 2010

With Mom

I don't have very many pictures of myself with my boys.

This is because:
A) I got a terrible haircut right after they were born- didn't want THAT captured for all to see.
B) Illogically, now that I have the biggest circles under my eyes, I wear makeup the least. I don't want THAT captured for all to see, either.
C) It's hard to take pictures while holding a baby. Whenever Sean's home, he usually has a baby in his arms. Hence, not so many pictures.

So we're making a concerted effort to get more shots with me in them. I don't want to look back and regret my poor representation in photos with my kids.

Because how else are they going to know that I love them? I gotta have pictorial proof!


  1. Cute hair and no circles that I can see! I'll be expecting more pics w/you. :)

  2. I'm sure they'll know, but pictures never do hurt :-).

  3. I'm with you there! We have almost no pictures of me and Kaylee together!
    You pictures look so great! YOU look so great!
