Thursday, May 8, 2014

Four notes

1) Wondering what that last post was about? Well, that there be a code. Sean made me a seventh anniversary treasure hunt! It involved decoding, coordinates, math, a trip to the water tower, and keen eyes. Sometimes, I had to wait for Sean to give me the next clue (who was, you know, working) and sometimes I had to go run errands (you know, buy him a gift) and sometimes we had to break for naps and playing. So really the whole thing lasted all day. Which was perfect because Sean had to work a long day and it kept us connected the entire time. Thank you Sean, for figuring out just what do for our anniversary. And for all the chocolate!

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Mm, edible loot.

2) Have you noticed my lack of blogging? Well, it's been not as good for months- I blame the loss of the twins' naps, the addition of planning preschool lessons, and the demands of the my church calling. But most recently, my computer nearly died. Windows just quit working, I could only make dear ol' lappy work in safe mode. And with fewer drivers working, there was lots I couldn't do, like upload photos from my SD card. But as a last ditch effort, Sean had me reset my computer back to factory settings. And voila, it works! Well, it works well enough. Can't do a lot at once, but it's better than nothing!

3) We had another round of colds. But when all was healthy, we've been out an about:
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Liquid nitrogen demo at the Science Museum.

Peekaboo! There's a third boy hiding but someone needed to use a locker I was blocking.

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There they all are! Totally Grey's idea.

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There was a little carnival at a nearby elementary school. The kids played little games, won prizes, and shared nachos.

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They perfectly match in form, exposed midriff and all.

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I think it might be safe enough to put the winter coats away!

4) Liam's been waking up earlier and earlier every day. They're supposed to wake up, mm, around 7:30? Today Liam was up at 6:09. Dash has taken to speaking like Grey, grunts and shouts. Grey has learned to nod to say yes, though he's also gotten extra stubborn when he says no. But still, I love them all.

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Huddling for a snack.

They're all so dang cute!

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They're good brothers.

Bonus note: Grey's meow is the preciousest.

Most of those are my meows. You can hear Grey's clearly when he looks down at Sean.

Possible double bonus note:

I can't remember if I shared this already. Just some fun brother interaction while skyping my parents.

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