Sunday, September 8, 2013

Oat Art

A friend of mine posted some pictures of her kids making shapes by sprinkling oatmeal over lines of glue. Hey, glue, oats, paper, I have all those things- let's try!

So we tried writing our names, doing shapes, trains, they even got to make their own glue picture once. In each instance, the process was the same: dump enormous piles of oatmeal over the paper, shake it loose (their favorite), and squeal at the reveal.

So what if we were finding bits of oatmeal days later. Thanks for the idea, Shara!

1 comment:

  1. Haha! You're a much cooler Mom than I.

    I requested that they pick up small chunks of oats in their fingers & gingerly sprinkle them onto the glue to make their shapes/letters/images in the gluey lines.

    AND of course I still had a mess, but your kids had much more fun with it! :)

    Love it. Cheap, fun, dexterity practicing activities!
