Monday, May 27, 2013

And then he graduated

Here he is, Mr. Graduation himself!

Somehow, those four years, which we swore would never end, has ended. (I'm growing my bangs out and they are ALWAYS IN MY FACE. Also, haircut suggestions?)

Look at us at the beginning of the this med school journey. Not a care in the world! (insider scoop: I was pregnant in this photo and didn't know it)

Now look at us, not quite so care-free, but sharing so much happiness and love.

Three kids. THREE KIDS! Never would we have expected to finish med school with three kids.

Thank goodness we do, though, 'cause they're awesome.

We're so glad Sean's parents could come for the festivities.

In the last month, their daughter got married and all three of their sons have graduated (high school, masters program, med school). That's a lot of big stuff.

They were there for Sean's white coat ceremony (he gets a long white coat now!) at the beginning of it all. It's nice to come full circle.

For the ceremony, we got a babysitter (a non-family babysitter! While the kids were awake! This is a big deal). Boo to paying for babysitting when I don't get to spend most of the time with my hubby. Boy did I hem and haw about the decision- wouldn't it be great for the kids to see their dad graduate? And how does someone else put down my non-bottle drinking baby to sleep? It was a good move though, it was so late and long and loud (the Three L's) that they'd have been miserable.
We got there near the start time and there were so few seats left we had to sit in the mezzanine. Here's Sean during the processional, looking for us in the wrong area because he read my text wrong.

The student president was the highlight of the evening, performing a marriage ceremony between the students and Medicine. A sad but funny truth.

They started with the hooding of the PhD students and wouldn't you know it, Jerrah, who worked with me in the lab when I was a working gal, graduated that night too! She's being hooded by my old boss! More full-circle making! (also, I could never get the hooding pictures to work- should brought my tripod for the telephoto lens- so no more hooding pictures from here on out, got it?)

Jerrah was such a nice friend, she was so excited for me when I was pregnant with the twins. I like her.

Then the med students recited the Hippocratic Oath. I think the thing could use some updating, but whatever.

And there's my hubby! Post-hooding, pre-diploma retrieval. There was a big group sitting behind us who was cheering loudly for various students and, of course, they cheered really loudly for the student right before Sean, so I barely heard his name announced (it might have even been only lip-reading), but I was still so excited.

Diploma in hand, he's truly a doctor now.

Then we got to see Jeff!

Then we got to see Elliott!

I'm so glad Sean had such great buddies to suffer with. (I'm not glad that I only had my telephoto lens in the dark-ish, crowded room with a giant headache to take this photo. You get the idea of their faces, right?)

Dr. Bradley, M.D.

Sounds pretty great, doesn't it? (so does Katie Bradley, Doctor Wife)

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