Monday, December 24, 2012


I try not to think about how three months ago, Liam and Dash slept until 7:30 in the morning and woke up in the middle of the night maybe a couple times a month, rarely needing us to come get them back to sleep. Nor do I try to think how last week, Grey would fall asleep when I put him down for the night instead of waking up every ten minutes for two hours.

Instead, I soak in their sweet sleeping bodies. I giggle how Dash will, when he's decided to sleep, put down his book, flip to his side, and promptly zonk out. And I smile how Liam just wants one more hug before he's ready to rest. And I sigh with contentment as Grey snoozes in his swaddle but laugh at how quickly and unexpectedly he sneaks out his arm. If that boy could have a binky in his mouth and a hand to hold, he'd be the happiest sleeper there is.

So sleep as long as you want, my sweet babies, you're pretty cute that way.

P.S. Remember when the twins looked like this?

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