Thursday, October 4, 2012

Grandparents are the best

Do you know how brilliant it is to have parents around when you have a newborn?

There's always someone to hold the babe when you need your hands free.

There's always someone to play with the older kids so they don't go crazy. (as they did once my parents left)

And my mom, oh my mom, she was heroic. Liam and Dash got sick a couple days after she arrived and she caught it, too. Everybody's illness was peaking just as we went to the hospital. Oh, you can't breathe or think straight, mom? Too bad, take care of these two sick toddlers for three days! Seriously, she was a champ and didn't complain at all- it's exhausting taking care of those boys even when you're healthy! Thanks so much mom!

We ALL miss you!

Such a lucky boy. And lucky grandparents, too.

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