Monday, November 10, 2008

Wonderful Oddities

Perhaps some of you don't know my husband as well as you should, so I thought I'd tell you a few things that make him so unique...

1. He remembers the oddest things in surplus. Things like odd places, old rulers, the details of the Krebs Cycle, the history of skyscrapers, etc. For instance, a show on television just began a description of the show's subject matter, a 100 year old explosion in Siberia, and within 5 seconds, he matter-of-factly says, "Tunguska." And wouldn't you know it, the next thing that flashed on the screen was a map highlighting a funny town called Tunguska. Sometimes I ask him, "how in the world did you know that?!" (to which he replies "... I don't know...") but usually I just smile and revel in the knowledge that my hubby such a smartie.

2. Despite that incredible memory, it's darn near impossible to keep a schedule in his head. I don't know how often I remind him what time certain classes start or when I'll be doing TA work. It doesn't really make him miss anything because he compensates. I asked him once how he processes schedules in his head and his explanation went something like this: "well, I know I have some days when I have class at 9 and other days where I can sleep later, which means I have class at 10. And I know I have class right after that 10 oclock class. But if you asked me if I had an 11 oclock class, I'd have no idea." I think Sean's memory needs to get less finicky.

3. Often unbeknownst to him, Sean emits little thoat tones. He could be quietly reading a book and I'll begin to hear "" and he doesn't notice the sound at all. I LOVE it, so uber adorable.
4. Most of the time when he looks in the mirror, he makes a funny face at himself. And I don't think it's a conscious action. It's really fun to watch, since it's so automatic. He's such an adorably funny man.

5. Sean is the most wonderful, thoughtful, gentle, caring, handsome, intelligent, and faithful person I've ever met. And we just celebrated a year and half of being married to our best friend. My goodness, I love that boy!

1 comment:

  1. Oh so sweet. I love the wedding picture. Isn't being married just the best thing that ever happened to you?
