Wednesday, January 31, 2018

two and a half years

Hi! I'm Wren!

Today I'm two and a half years old!

I'm a big ol' ham who likes to dance and make silly faces. I'm delighted when I make someone laugh! And I sure like to laugh too!

I sleep in my crib and love to sleep in. I take naps sometimes and the days I don't are full of grumps.

I'm a very particular girl and like things my way, making my opinions known very, very loudly.

Sometimes I really love playing with my brothers, sometimes I really don't. Sometimes I want to hug and kiss them, sometimes I really don't. Sometimes I like their help, sometimes I really don't. It makes my brothers pretty confused. But I do love them, promise.

But really though, I'm a sweety. Just an opinionated sweety.  I freely say "I love you," I help people when they're sad, I like to stroke my Mommy's face, I have the gentlest voice.

I'm picky with my food, just as a toddler should be. I like fruit, not so much the veggies. Not big on eating much of anything for dinner. But I get by.

And I'm pretty sure everyone in my family adores me. Just a hunch.

Happy half birthday to me!